Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quote of the Week:

All in all, the creative act is not performed by the artist alone.. the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act.
- Marcel Duchamp

Friday, October 15, 2010

You Can Help

Everyone knows that a Non-profit serves the community, but also needs help from the community from time to time, especially when just starting out. In order to get going, we have had a generous donation from a very special individual and dear friend, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Ohio State University Stanley Balcerzak. Stan has been incredibly encouraging and helpful with this vision of enabling others to reach the creative inside.
We are currently looking into various grants available to organizations; however, this process can take some time. To get our doors open, we need several items such as drywall, plywood, screws, lots of paint, lighting, and floor sealer, etc (can provide a detailed list upon request). Also, we are building a new media computer center that will not only require working computers, desks, and chairs, but also the software in order to serve the community with creative programs.
If you think you can help by donating materials or volunteering your services, please contact Jessi Walker at artcompartment@gmail.com.
Also please note that City Arts Center is a project of the American Artworks Foundation and
your contribution is tax-deductible.

You may also contribute easily and securely through PayPal

Thank You!!!

Imagine Art Here

Imagine Art-Making Here!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An Angel...

An angel appeared and offered to help us with her super shop-vac! We can't thank Emily Calvert enough for her hard work in the space this week and motivating us to get in there and get this space underway! What a wonderful volunteer and incredible person!

Thanks Emily!

Making Progress!

I'm happy to say that we are making progress with the space. We spent the afternoon yesterday doing some heavy cleaning. But, before I get to that, let's reflect on what's been happening up until now. The following images were taken shortly after we started clearing out the space back in August. We had some great help that day and filled 3 tractor trailer-sized dumpsters with stuff from the space. This space had previously been a florist shop for decades as I'm told and has been vacant for several years since their close. There was a lot to remove as we are opening the space to be used for exhibitions, instructional space, artist studios and a workshop.

The bottom image was taken as the major cleaning out was winding down. What a long, hot, filthy day!
We are currently in the process of planning the electrical reworking as there are many dangling wires in the space and much of the current electrical work falls quite short of the city code standards.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's going on with the new Arts Center?

Everyone has been asking this question lately, so hopefully you will find some answers here. Keep checking in as I will try to keep updates posted regularly.

Note: Our mission statement is found on the sidebar in the "About Me" section.

A little history: The Art Loft, located at 59 Sandusky Street closed its doors in July 2010. Phyllis and Suanne teamed up with another local artist, Jessi (me) and hatched a plan to expand the great things that were happening at the Art Loft and further the focus of serving the creative demands of our community in a non-profit arts center.
Forming a non-profit is not a simple task, but we are making headway! We are hoping to open our doors in the near future at 22 East Winter Street in Delaware next door to the new home of the Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra and The Strand Theater. The space needs a bit of work and thankfully, we have some fabulous board members and friends in the community that are pitching in to help out. And a special thanks to American ArtWorks Foundation for sponsoring our vision!
(email: artcompartment@gmail.com for more information about helping the cause or making a tax-deductible donation!)

Our Goals:

To inspire people through engaging art experiences which are diverse, accessible, and relevant both locally and globally.

To provide a venue for under-represented, emerging, and recognized artists that challenge artistic traditions, investigate new mediums, and/or approach older concepts with inventive methods.

To enable creativity by offering a range of multi-disciplinary programs and opportunities which encourage self-discovery and innovation.

To establish a dynamic atmosphere which will inspire curiosity, dialogue, collaboration, and experimentation.

To offer support, community, and studio space to local artists.

To generate knowledge and awareness of the arts as a vibrant part of life and culture.

more to come!