Monday, February 28, 2011

NewsFlash in the Arts this Week!

CAC gets the spotlight this past weekend in both
Delaware Gazette and in ThisWeek News!

Opening this Upcoming Friday:
James Krehbiel
Sightlines and Site Lines

March 4 - 26, 2011
Opening Reception:
First Friday, March 4 from 6-9pm
James Kreihbel is chair and full professor of fine arts at Ohio Wesleyan University where he teaches digital design and printmaking. For the last 15 years, he has been studying Anasazi (ancestral Puebloan) Indians. The art that he created from his visits to these ancient sites led to research in archeoastronomy, which he has been working on for the last three years in southeast Utah.
Monday, February 28, the Artist will give a talk about his work at the Delaware Artist Guild meeting
in Room 121 of Edgar Hall. The meeting begins at 7:30pm and is open to the public.
In his illustrated presentation, Krehbiel will talk about his research in archaeoastronomy and his art. In some cases the art work helps to unravel the anthropological and scientific mysteries of remote Ancestral Puebloan sites. Yet at other times his experiences in the canyons inform the creation of the art work.

James Krehbiel will also give a gallery talk and guided tour
at the City Art Center on Thursday, March 24 at 6:30pm

Registration for Linda Wesner's Color Pencil Workshop is still open. The workshop is scheduled for
March 19, 2011 Saturday, 9a-4p, $55
For more info:

Studio Membership Information Contact

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's up Next for March

Linda Wesner Colored Pencil Landscapes
"Sharpen Your Pencil Skills"
March 19, 2011 9am-4pm

To Register: visit or call (740)369-8186

Monday, February 7, 2011

Conversely Exhibition Opening!

The Conversely Exhibition Opening Reception was last Friday (2/4/11). What a steady flow of First Friday go-ers!
The CAC would like to thank all of those who stopped by, but also to those who pitched in to get the show up and running in a short time (since the power-outage set us back a little).
We hope you will swing by and visit the CAC this month to see a very unique exhibition of regional artists working in an array of materials and media. The artists on display are all in some way, dealing with ideas surrounding about connecting, exchange, and collaboration. This is one of our main ideas at the CAC, we are hoping to create a place for exchanging ideas, working together, starting conversations, and making creative connections. The works in this exhibition are pushing our ideas about what art can be and how it intermingles with life. Please, join us for a conversation about the art works, we're open most Thursday afternoons, Fridays 4-7pm, & Saturdays 2-7pm. We are also available for special tours and appointments. Please email us at for more information about special arrangements.

Below are some highlights from the show:

For more photos, please check us out on Facebook!