Friday, April 22, 2011

Gallery Talk & Potluck!

Please Join Us Friday, April 29 at 6:30pm for a Gallery Talk & Potluck.
Many of the Artists of the Something Else...Exhibition will be present to share about their work. We ask that you also bring something to share (food/beverage) for an informal evening of creative exchange!
You can RSVP on our Facebook Invitation (Click Here)
This event is open to anyone!

Also, Please Note that in observance of the holiday weekend we will be closing at 5pm on Saturday, April 23.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


This Saturday, April 16 from 2-4pm, the City Art Center is hosting a Paper-Making and Origami Extravaganza! Join us to learn Japanese folding techniques with beautiful paper or get involved with a hand-made paper project! These activities are available to the public in our studio area. ($5 materials donation is suggested)

Please Join us on Friday, April 29 for a gallery talk with several of the artists displaying work in the Something Else... exhibition. This talk will coincide with a potluck, feel free to bring your favorite dish, dessert, and/or beverage to share! This should prove to be a super swell time and hopefully the start of future events centered around exchange within the community.

We will continue to accept submissions for the Regional Small Works Show in May through Thursday, April 28. Click Here for more information about entering that exhibition which will be open to the public for the duration of the Delaware Arts Festival.

In addition to the Regional Small Works Show, the CAC is proud to host a special exhibition in memory of Delaware Arts Festival Volunteer and Local Artist, Aaron Sheilds. His work will be on display and also for sale in a silent auction with proceeds benefiting the junior art exhibition annually hosted at the Delaware Library during the Arts Festival. Stay tuned for more details on this exhibiton

Drop into the CAC to see what transformations have been happening! The studios have been under construction and studio members are beginning to move in! Its starting to feel like Delaware's Creative Hub! If you have ideas for how this space could be used to serve the creative needs of the community, please share! Interested in Volunteering? Teaching? Donating? Becoming a Studio Member? Displaying your work? write to
We welcome participants of all kinds!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Call For Artists!

For the Month of May, the City Art Center in Delaware, Ohio will be hosting a regional small works exhibition. The work must be 18” or smaller to be considered. (2-D & 3-D)

The exhibition opens First Friday, May 6 and runs until May 28. Significant exposure is expected with both the popular First Friday event as well as during the following weekend of the Delaware Arts Festival, which brings thousands of art patrons to the downtown area Saturday, May 14 and Sunday, May 15. All artwork must be for sale, the CAC ‘s commission is 40% on all sales.

Digital (jpeg) submissions should be sent to for consideration no later than Thursday, April 28, 2011. Notification will occur by Monday, May 2. Drop-off will be Monday – Wednesday, May 4. Post in the Subject line: MAY ART SUBMISSION.

There is a non-refundable $20 entry fee for up to 3 works and $10 for each additional work (payable via PayPal or by check)

Please include in your submission: clear, color jpeg formatted images totaling less than 10MB, titles, dates, your name as it will appear on a label, the sizes, and price (with CAC 40% commission added).

Please note that we are currently looking for volunteers for the days of the Arts Festival (5/14 & 5/15). The $20 entry fee will be waived for all volunteers. We have a limited amount of volunteer positions and are accepting volunteer requests on a first come, first serve basis.

Please email questions to Jessi: