Thursday, June 16, 2011

hello science!

We are so excited about our upcoming exhibitions! In July, we are displaying work of artists who dabble in science as well as scientists who are experimenting with art! Science and Art have been having quite the dialogue for hundreds of years! We are happy to take part in that conversation with "Hello Science, Hello Art" which will be opening on Friday, July 1 and running through the end of the month. And don't miss the special multimedia performance by local artist, WHITE EXIT following the opening reception at 9pm. (More info about WHITE EXIT below)

In August, we are welcoming artist, Susan O'Connor as she creates a site-specific installation in our gallery space using all recycled materials. Susan is a faculty member at Columbus College of Art & Design and resides in Columbus, Ohio. She would like to collect your recycled paper packaging to use in this project. More information to come about that! We may need some volunteers the weekend of July 29 & 30 and some evenings through August 4 to help with that installation. Please contact us at if you are interested in helping!

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W.E are White Exit.

A polymorphous entity focused on the outer rim of art, music, writing, design, and culture. W.E provide creative content in the form of pre-recorded sound, film, printed artifacts, photography, exhibitions, and digital media.

W.E are the quiet scream.
W.E are the departure from the known.
W.E are the needle in your grooves.
W.E are living in the history of our own obscurity.
W.E are glad to see you dear friends.
W.E will never let you down.